Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Consultant's Visit June 19th

Hello Friends,

We have had our consultant visiting us on Sunday and I thought this would be a good opportunity to show you the progress made in our new planting week to week. The tomato and brinjal seedlings were planted from the 14th of May through to the 16th of May so they are about five weeks old now.

Farms as on 19th June


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Developments in June

Hello Friends,

June has brought monsoons to Kerala and overflow of the monsoons to Cumbum Valley as it is located on the Eastern foothills of the Western Ghats as you know. It is bright and sunny most of the time with the occasional shower and cloudy weather quite often. Rains means faster weed growth with our drip fertilized fields providing everything required for them to grow. Today there are two videos uploaded one taken at the beginning of the month and one this Sunday and the contrast can be seen in plant growth and weed  growth too. Weeds and rains tempered the output from the field of Musk Melons but other crops are growing well especially Bananas which was planted in November and can be expected to start fruiting in the next three weeks or so.Happy viewing and await our next update in the next two weeks.

Mid June Visuals

Early June Visuals
